...Healing and Hope…Call 601-936-2024…For Children, Adolescents and Adults…Brentwood Behavioral Healthcare provides psychiatric treatment services to individuals ages 5 & up. With a 120-bed capacity, Brentwood campus expands over...
...The National Action Alliance…The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), a public-private partnership, has partnered with Brentwood Behavioral Healthcare, to strengthen the country’s clinical capacity to provide inn...
...Getting behavioral health treatment can be daunting, but knowing what’s ahead can help lessen some of that stress. Our multidisciplinary treatment team is dedicated to providing a holistic approach and personalized care….Treatment Planning...
...What To Bring…We want all patients to be as comfortable as possible during their stay at Brentwood Behavioral Healthcare; however, storage space is limited. See our suggested list of items you will need below. A clothes washer, dryer and laundr...
...Our Commitment to Accessibility…We are committed to making our website’s content accessible and user friendly to everyone. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or...
...Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)…The goal of PHP is to increase the individual’s toolbox to learn to overcome obstacles and continue a safe level of functioning at school and at home. This program aims to stabilize unhealthy b...
...Adult Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)…Outpatient services are a vital part of Brentwood Behavioral Healthcare’s mission to provide integrated therapeutic services in a warm and nurturing environment from our engaged nurses to our caring...
...Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)…The goal of IOP is to increase the individual’s toolbox to learn to overcome obstacles and continue a safe level of functioning at school and at home. This program aims to stabilize unhealthy beha...
...Alison Land Chief Executive Officer Nigel Jones Chief Financial Officer Teresa Crump Chief Nursing Officer Melissa Fortenberry Assistant Chief Nursing Officer Renee Lowery Director of Assessment & Referral Rose Wooten Director of Business Develop...
...Addiction & Co-Occurring Mental Health Treatment…Our inpatient program for adults provides substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health treatment with customized services tailored to each individual, meeting your needs no matter w...